Students walking under trees in bloom

写作 and Second Language Placement

At Holy Family University, writing is at the core of everything. In ENGL101 写1, 您将致力于发展和完善批判性阅读技能,分析和论证写作技能,您将需要并将通过您的圣家教育的其余部分发展. 

All of the sections of 写1 emphasize the same general skills for academic writing: reading critically; writing analytically; developing and sustaining an original argument; demonstrating grammar competency; and working through steps of the writing process such as brainstorming, 概述, 和修改. Assignments will ask you to summarize, 分析, 合成, 并评估来自不同学科的非小说和文学文本. 

选择写作1中最适合你的部分包括反思你的学习需求:你独立写作的能力如何? How much support and structure would you like for your writing? 你是在努力获得关键的写作和阅读技能,还是准备好迎接进一步发展和完善这些技能的挑战? 自己回答这些问题将帮助你选择一个部分,为你作为一个学习者和你的阅读和写作技能提供适当的支持和挑战.  

请阅读以下课程部分的一般描述和范例作业. Then indicate your identified section on the Advisee intake form. 


This section might be a good fit for you if:

  • 你可以轻松地选择自己的研究和撰写论文的主题;
  • 你可以轻松地展开自己的论点,并为你的论文提出一个主题陈述, with or without some support;
  • 你已经开始形成一个写作过程,比如头脑风暴和提纲的方法;
  • 写1-2 pages a week seems manageable;
  • 你已经准备好使用更微妙或更复杂的参数类型和结构;
  • 你能够以更快的速度完成写作过程的各个步骤.

Below is an example of an assignment that has been used in 写1 sections. If this assignment feels doable with the support of your 教授, then a 写1 section might be right for you:

写1 Literary Analysis Assignment Overview:


  • What does this short story say (the 主题) and how does it say it?
  • 这个故事的主题对当今社会的问题或时事有什么重要性?

你的文章将包括你所选择的短篇故事的文本证据来支持你的解释,并将包括引用的意译或直接引用两(2)或更多来自知名来源的文章,以支持你对你所连接的故事的问题/时事的讨论. Be sure to develop the “so what?”因素, 意义:为什么我们要关心通过这个故事我们对今天的问题或时事的见解?

你的文章应该至少有3个双倍行距的页面,用12号的Times New Roman字体, 1-inch margins, and a double-spaced MLA header (name, 教授, 课程, 日期).


This section might be a good fit for you if:

  • You have not yet begun developing a writing process (brainstorming, 概述, etc) and would like more guidance to do so;
  • 你将受益于更多的支持来发展你自己的论点和写你自己的论文陈述;
  • You would like to spend more time on the building blocks of your papers, such as paragraphing, sentence structure, 和语法; 
  • 你发现每周写1-2页的前景令人生畏,难以管理;
  • 你发现在你的论文中发展你的论点和找到足够的东西是困难的;
  • 你将受益于以较慢的速度完成写作过程的各个步骤.

以下是在写作1/指导部分中使用的作业示例. 如果在教授的支持下,这些作业中的任何一个都是可行的, 但这并不容易, then a 写1/Guided section might be right for you:


因果段落是指展示某事的原因或结果的段落. A paragraph giving the causes answers the question, “Why does/did this happen?给出结果的一段话回答了这个问题,“结果是什么??”

What Makes a Good Cause/Effect Paragraph?

It is about either causes or effects. In one paragraph, you cannot address both. 你应该在段落的开头说明你是在讨论原因还是结果.

It is about a topic that is easily managed in one paragraph of 12 sentences.

It recognizes the complexity of the situation. There is often more than one cause for an event or situation, and there is often more than one result. The results can be positive, negative, or both. 

It is sufficiently detailed. 和所有好的段落一样,不要让你的读者猜测你想说什么. 举例!

  • In one paragraph of 9-12 sentences, forward and support substantiation, 评价, and policy claims.
  • Your audience is a person who might be familiar with the topic. No research is permitted--you must draw on your personal experience!
  • You are describing something. Support your substantiation claim with detailed information and value.  At the end of the paragraph, explain the call to action to the audience.
  • 任何少于9句和超过13句的文章都将自动获得F.
  • You must have a clever title. 您必须使用APA学生论文格式提交初稿和终稿,并附有标题页和页码:p. 400-
  • Here are sentence structures that must be incorporated into the paragraph.
  • You must use a 3 item parallelism: p. 84-
  • You must use one sentence [and only one] with a semicolon: p. 195 [do NOT use 32c]
  • 你必须使用过渡短语从一个支撑点移动到另一个支撑点.19-20
  • You must use at least one compound sentence: p. 252

写1/Guided Literary Analysis Paper Assignment Overview:

在750-1000字之内,就我们读过的故事之一撰写并支持一个论点. Rather than trying to cover the entire story, focus on one or two literary elements (character, 冲突, 情节, 象征, 设置, 主题). This essay should be your original interpretation of the story; no outside sources—such as SparkNotes or Wikipedia—should be used.

  • 写一篇简短的介绍(2-4句话),“吸引”读者,说明作品的标题和作者. At the end of the introduction, 提供一篇原创论文来支持你对故事的论点/解释.
  • The body of the essay will then provide support for your thesis, using direct quotations from the story and your analysis of them.
  • Avoid summarizing the story; assume the reader has read it.
  • 每个段落都应该集中在一个主题句中表达的关键点上.  
  • Make sure to 分析 the quotes thoroughly; in other words, explain how the quote supports your argument.
  • Conclude by explaining the significance of your argument. In other words, what can we learn from your interpretation of the story?\

Second Language Placement

As part of the Holy Family Experience, 学生可以通过学习第二语言来满足他们的Tier 2核心要求. 
The languages offered at Holy Family University are French, 意大利, Spanish and American Sign Language.

如果你选择这些课程中的一门,你将被安排在适合你的背景和先前学习的水平. Depending on your years of study and grades, you will complete the requirements at one of the following levels:

  1. 介绍;
  2. Intermediate; or
  3. 先进的.

然而, 如果你想开始学习一门不同于高中学习的第二语言, you would be placed at the Introductory level.